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G’day! I’m an Aussie apple, one of Granny Smith’s mob, and I’m here to tell you all about my fantastic apple family. It’s huge and we come from all around the world - just like the people of Australia. I have so many cousins it’s hard for me to remember all their names, but the most popular members of my Australian family includes Red Delicious, Pink Lady, Royal Gala, Fuji and Golden Delicious. New kids on the block in my family include Eve, Rockit, Envy, Modi, Kanzi, Yello and Jazz (you can read more about them in Varieties). It’s no wonder we’re one of the most popular fruits in the world!

Now, botanists call me a pome, it comes from the French word pomme which means apple. It’s their scientific name for how I grow; for example, I don’t have a woody layer surrounding my seeds like apricots and peaches.

I grow on a lovely tree with spreading branches - great for climbing. In spring, the trees are covered with pretty white blossoms from which apples grow once the flowers have been pollinated by insects. We continue to grow right through the summer and mature in autumn and early winter when we’re ready to be picked for you to eat. You can read more about this in How Apples Are Grown and Harvested.

Just like you we come in all shapes, sizes and colours of skin, which can range from green, yellow, orange-red to dark red. When you bite into us you’ll find differences between varieties too. Our flesh can range from white, creamy-white or greenish-white and we also have different tastes depending on how much sugar or acid we contain.


In Australia, we’re available all year round - depending on our variety and where we grow. Our peak season is from mid-summer through to early spring.

Did you know?

  • Granny Smith apples originated in Australia. We were first grown by Maria Anne Smith in Eastwood, Sydney in 1868 and are now one of the major apple varieties grown worldwide.
  • Apples float when dropped into the water because they consist of 25% air.
  • Over 2.6 billion apples are grown in Australia each year.
  • The longest continuous apple peel took 11 hours and 30 minutes to remove and was 52.51 metres long.
  • There are more than 7000 varieties of apples grown worldwide.


Australia has many different varieties of apples, some of the most popular are:

Red Delicious Apple

Red Delicious Apple
I have crisp, creamy-white flesh with a sweet juicy, delicious flavour.


Granny Smith Apple
Granny Smith Apple
I’m a firm, crisp apple with vibrant green skin. I have crunchy, , juicy flesh with a slight tart flavour, which makes me excellent for cooking.


Pink Lady Apple
Pink Lady Apple
I am a sweet-tasting apple with crisp, juicy flesh. I’m a cross between a Golden Delicious and Lady Williams, which makes me excellent for eating straight from your hand.


Golden Delicious Apple
Golden Delicious Apple
I have pale green to yellow coloured skin with sweet, juicy creamy-white, crisp flesh. I’m great for eating straight from your hand or I can be used for cooking.


Royal Gala Apple
Gala Apple (Royal Gala)
I’m the first apple of the season and I’m a medium in size with bright red blushed skin. I have crisp, dense white flesh with a sweet flavour.

New apple varieties at your greengrocer include:

Eve Apple
Eve Apple
I’m the perfect eating apple with crisp white flesh and a delicate flavour. Unlike some other members of my family, once cut I do not quickly turn brown.


Envy Apple
Envy Apple
I’m a crunchy apple with juicy white flesh. Like the Eve and Bravo Apple, my flesh is slow to turn brown once I’m cut.


Rockit Apple
Rockit Apple
I’m a miniature apple with crisp white flesh, thin red skin and a small core. I’m perfect to add to your school lunchbox.


Modi Apple
Modi Apple
I’m a rich red-skinned apple with an intense sweet flavour and ultra-juicy flesh.


Kanzi Apple
Kanzi Apple
I’m a crunchy apple with sweet slightly tangy flesh and yellow blushed red skin.


Yello Apple
Yello Apple
I’m a new generation of yellow-skinned apple. I’m not too sweet and have crisp flesh.


Bravo Apple
Bravo Apple
I’m sweet and juicy and have deep crimson skin and crisp white flesh. Once cut, my flesh is slow to turn brown.


Jazz Apple
Jazz Apple
I’m a medium apple with tangy sweet tasting flesh and a lot of crunch.

Why Apples Are Good To Eat

Apples are not only crunchy and sweet, they are good for your health.. We’ll help keep you strong and healthy so that you can do everything you want to do - like play sport, have fun, climb apple trees.

Make sure you enjoy the whole apple – skin and all – to get our nutritional benefits. You see we contain lots of goodies to help grow well, keep your skin clear of zits, and make your hair look great, just a few of the ways we look after you. For example, we contain:

  • A dietary fibre called pectin that has some amazing skills - it can dissolve in water and can also encourage good bacteria to live in your bowl and fight off any bad bacteria that try to settle there.
  • Boron, a mineral that strengthens your bones and helps you climb apple trees with ease.
  • Vitamin C, a vitamin that boosts your immune system and gives you a quarter of your daily needs in one apple.
  • 100g apple has 240 kJ

How They are Grown and Harvested

Apples grow in different varieties and regions in Australia. They are harvested from late January to October each year, depending on the type and location of the apple. You can enjoy them fresh or cooked in many ways. Apples are truly amazing fruits!

Most apple trees are grown from cuttings taken from healthy trees of the fruit variety the farmer wants. These cuttings are then grafted to the roots of other apple trees which are good at growing - for example; they resist temperature extremes, pests and diseases. However, the fruit grown on these trees will be of the same variety as those from which the cuttings were taken. Combining the good characteristics of two trees helps the grower gain both a strongly growing and good fruiting tree to maximise the crop. An apple tree will start to bear fruit at about 3 years of age, depending on the variety.

The colour of the fruit, ease of picking and firmness tells you when an apple is ready to be harvested. Currently, apples for the fresh market are picked by hand as mechanical harvesters can damage the fruit and the trees.

Apples bought out of season will have been'cool stored’, which means stored in a cool environment where the oxygen levels have been slightly adjusted. This slows the natural maturing process so that apples can be kept for several months and still keep their quality.

Choosing Apples

Select those of us with a firm, smooth, glossy skin which has the colour for our variety.

How to Keep Apples

Store us in the fridge, not at room temperature, to keep us as fresh, deliciously juicy and as crunchy as possible.

Prime Growing Areas

History of Apples

Did you know that apples are an ancient fruit? We’re so old that we’re even mentioned in the Bible as the'fruit of knowledge’. We don’t really know when man first bit into the flesh of a juicy apple and decided it was delicious, but we do know they were popular with Stone Age people over 3000 years ago. How do we know this? Well, the charcoal remains of apples have been found in the ruins of Stone Age villages in Europe.

Where apples originated is still a mystery, but most historians think it was near the Caspian Sea in the Middle East. We know that the Egyptians loved apples - maybe Cleopatra munched on one while chatting to Julius Caesar. Apples certainly became very popular in Rome and Greece, where they were used as symbols of love.

The Roman army liked apples so much that they took the fruit with them when they marched off to conquer Britain. The apple cores were thrown away, so apple trees began growing wherever the army went throughout Europe.

The pilgrim fathers took apples with them when they set off from England for America, and Captain Phillip made sure he had plenty of apples and apple seed on board when he set sail for Australia in 1788. The first apples to be grown in Australia were planted by those early colonists.

Fun Ways to Eat and Cook Apples

  • We’re great eaten raw straight from your hand and are ideal for school lunch boxes and snacks.
  • Add us to fruit salads (especially Eve, Envy and Bravo varieties that once cut are slow to turn brown).
  • You can bake, stew or microwave apples, then turn us into pies, tarts, crumbles and fritters.
  • Add apples to all sorts of fresh salads and serve on cheese platters.
  • Add shredded green and red apple to coleslaw and serve on your favourite burger.
  • Gently stew apple with a little honey and serve over porridge or your favourite breakfast cereal.

Here are some wonderful Sydney Markets recipes to cook with your favourite apples: